On the Lighter Side
Natural BridgeOn Tuesday I found out that a local radio station was having a family night at Natural Bridge, VA. Natural Bridge is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World, and Jeremy had never seen. So we had a completely spontaneous date that was really fun. We got free hotdogs and drinks, and then for less than 2 dollars total, we were able to see the Bridge, the wax museum, and the toy museum. There was also a light show on the bridge after dark. The wax museum was pretty cool. The toy museum was kind of lame, but still fun. The light show was super corny and we had so much fun just trying not to laugh at it. But the bridge is beautiful, and we had such a good time doing that together, especially spontaneously on a Tuesday night!

Yesterday I went to K-Mart to look at dining room furniture, and ended up looking at all the clearance clothes and shoes. K-Mart is not somewhere I shop for either of those things, but I did discover that they have a really cool new line of shoes, and they were all on clearance. I bought a cute pair of blue frilly flats, and then also a pair of eighties-style black and rainbow shoes. I really liked them, even though they weren't something I would normally wear, but I bought them anyways. Now I love them! Jeremy does not, however. He really liked the two simple polo shirts I bought. It kind of speaks of our personalities - I love change, fashion, and seeing what's new. He likes consistency, comfort, and simplicity. Both of those are reasons why we love each other. He is consistent, comforting, and down-to-earth, and that's why I love coming home to him every night. And he says I am beautiful "shoes and all". :-)

On the Darker Side . . .
A couple of days ago, my parents' next-door neighbor and dear friend was in a serious car accident while driving a semi-truck. He is 79 years old and as sweet and generous as you can be. He has been like a surrogate father to my Poppa. The accident was very severe, and this morning at 8:00am Charlie passed away. His wife called to tell my mom. Charlie was at peace, and she is as well, but it is just so sad. What a horrible way to lose your husband. He was older, but very healthy. He did know the Lord, and I know that brings comfort. I do believe that God does not allow anything to happen that he will not use for greater good in the end. I also believe that oftentimes we don't see those results on earth. And I know his ways are higher than ours, and sometimes we just can't understand them. We should find comfort in this, but instead I find myself thinking of a widow going home to an empty bed. I am not angry at God (even though he could handle it), and I know Sue is at peace with the Lord as well. I am just reminded that every day is precious - you are never guaranteed how long you will be able to hold on to those you love. But I know that this day, I am going to go home and hold on very tightly to Jeremy.