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Sunday, November 24, 2002
I'm glad I had work today, It gave me something to do. It is so boring here around campus. I only saw 4 people here today and they have all the buildings locked except the laundry room and some of the pass through hallways. So you can't even do anything on campus. After work I did some laundry and the packed my bag to head up to meet Kat's family. We will be leaving monday afternoon sometime. I also made 6 CD's for my Car CD player each has about 24 hours worth of music on there so I have 6 full days of music in my car now. I've been working on those for about 3 days now though, I finally finished. I also talked to Kat for about 30 minutes on the phone while I was here by myself. She was telling me to eat because I hadn't eaten since lunch Friday. Except there is the fact that the Marriot is closed so I couldn't eat much besides snacks. She told me to find food then! I'm glad she was looking out for me. Laurie ended up calling tonight and she brought me some food, She gave me some oatmeal packets and Spaghettio's and a can of tomato soup. So I was able to eat something after all. She stayed and talked for awhile after that so I wasn't bored out of my mind. Today I was pondering something I could do since I was here alone most of the day. Here is what I came up with. I could get a bunch of paper.. like 1000 sheets or something and write on each of them "All work and no play makes Jeremy go crazy" then I could tape all 1000 of them up in the hall in our dorm. It would be pretty funny for when people start to come back. I decided to refrain myself though. Sorry guys. Well Gotta go for now.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:17 AM 

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