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Saturday, December 07, 2002
Classes were all regular today. After them I decided I was going to go to drive myself to work though. I was prepared to dig myself out though. So I left about a half hour earlier then I normally do. It turns out I was still an hour late for work though. It took me just over an hour to get my car about 100 feet to pavement. I was parked in the Pit here and they never plow the snow out of that. So I had to dig a trench around my wheels every 3 feet or so. I tore up the snow like nothing else though. You can plainly see the path I took to leave the pit. I was parked pretty much right in the middle of it to so I had to dig quite a bit. During the struggle of getting out I thought something happend to my reverse gear because after awhile it stopped working. I have no idea what happend with it.. but It started working again when I left work tonight. I was really glad about that. Anyway after my hour struggle getting 100ft and exausted from digging I finally made it to work. Then I was at work tonight until around 11:00 after the shop closed we stayed after and demolished a wall. We decided to do some expanding. We were able to get the wall down compleatly and cleaned up tonight. Tomorrow we will work on the finish and the touchups. After that we will need to get the shelfs up and counters and re-organize everything. That will probalby take quite awhile to get done. Anyway I had a really long day. I left for classes at 7:30 this morning and didn't get back till 11:30 tonight. I'm really tired. I had to get some hoemwork done though so I was working on that for awhile. I think I'll stop for now and hit the hay though. I have to go to work again tomorrow morning. I parked somewhere not in the pit tonight too so I wouldn't get stuck again, I hope I don't get ticketed. Its a weekend though so I should be able to park there. Anyway, I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna head strait to bed.. I'm too weak to even lift weights tonight. I got my workout digging though. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:16 AM 

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