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Saturday, January 04, 2003
I haven't been feeling well at all today. I'm not sure what the problem is. I checked my tempurature and It was pretty normal. My legs have been hurting a lot today too. Maybe thats because I've been running through Kat's mind all day or something. She told me she wasn't feeling very well either today. I woke up early today so I could call her before she went to work, but she was out with a friend for awhile. So I just decided to go back to sleep until around 11:00 then called her back I was able to talk for about 20 minutes or so before she had to head off to work. But she ended up being back online later because she came home sick from work. So we talked again after that for awhile. My dad rented some movies today too so we sat and watched some of those tonight. He had "Like Mike" and "Reign of Fire" They were pretty good. Colleen called me today to and I talked to her for awhile. She was one of the people that came on the youth trip I was just on. Other then that I've just been relaxing around the house. I haven't felt well all day so I didn't really want to do much. I did help out andy from my work in lynchburg today through the internet. I had to remote control a server down there and change the configuration. That was kind of teadius though over my awsome 24K connection here at home. Well since I"m not feeling well I think I might just head to bed a little early tonight. Plus I have some other things on my mind at the moment anyway. Kat told me something that was a little shocking and I've been thinking about that for quite awhile now. That girl I'll tell ya, she is always full of surprises. I don't know what I'm going to do with her. Ok well Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:01 AM 

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