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Saturday, February 15, 2003
Well, today I woke up and went to work just like every other Saturday. Nothing much happend there, but there was about 30 minutes where I was there by myself because Andy was out getting lunch (long line at lunch). I didn't let the place burn down or anything so I guess I did good at being in charge for awhile. After work I came back and did homework for about an hour and a half. Then Kat found out that the Valentines Day Banquet was cancelled for tonight because of severe weather. (and yes it is pretty bad). But Kat and I still wanted to hang out anyway so we Decided to go to the Mall for awhile. We had to go to Lowes Hardware store first though because she had to make a copy of a key, after that we went to the Mall for a couple hours. I'm so proud of her because we got out of there with her spending a single penny. It was pretty tough in some of those stores for her to refrain herself. But she did a great Job at it. After that we went out to Ruby Tuesdays for a Late dinner. By this time the snow and ice was horrible. We had to fight to get back to campus but we managed and made it back without any problems. Over all I had an awsome past couple days. I would say it has been the best valentienes couple days I've ever had. Even though the Banquet was cancelled we managed to have a great time. As long as I'm with her that is all that matters and it is time well spent. On a second note, I finished my medicine yesterday but I'm still having some horrible cramps tonight. I wonder if the medicine did any good. Also we decided we aren't going to attempt going to church tomorrow because the ice just keeps coming and I think it would be a dangerous endeavor if we did attempt it. So I will get to sleep in tomorrow, I do need a day like that anyway and it came just in time. I don't know if I would make it through next week with out it. I think I'm going to go to bed early as well, these cramps are killer I was considering taking some Midol that Kat gave me but if I just go to sleep that should work just as well. I may be in pain but I'm the luckiest man alive to have a girl like Kat to share Valentines Day with and I'm going to go to sleep thinking happy thoughts and the pain should flutter away. So good night world!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:16 PM 

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