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Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Well, it looks like I didn't wake up last night to write my blog. Sorry about that. I was sooo tired though. Sunday morning I had to go do extra credit at Thomas Road Church in the bible lab. So I skipped Sunday School at my church and went there. Katie and Heather came along too. After that was over I rushed the girls back to campus, and then I headed over to my church for the regular service. I got there pretty late though.. They were done about 15 minutes after I got there. But after the service was over the college group was going to go on a hiking trip at "Peaks of Otter" it is a small mountain range near the Otter river. It normally takes people and hour to climb it. But I decided to run it and I made it up in about 25minutes or so. I was up there for 40 minutes before the first person from my group showed up at the top. I was pretty tired though. I pushed myself maybe a little too much though. I was light headed and dizzy by the time I got to the top. But it sure was a nice view up there. We all stayed up there for about 30mins or so after the last person got there and then headed back to the bottom. I ran once again and made it down in 10 minutes. I was so tired after that though. Thats why I went to sleep so early. But anyway, that was pretty much what I did on sunday. It was pretty fun. Oh while I was at the top of the mountain I took out my hand held comptuer.. I had 2% gain on my wireless internet.. I couldn't do anything with such a weak signal but still that was pretty cool to even see I could get something. Ok well that pretty much covers it. I'll post this then write the one for today.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:54 AM 

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