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Saturday, April 12, 2003
Well, today I tried to make the deposit on my apartment. But they were close for lunch when I got there and then I had to go to work. So that didn't work out very well. Now I will know when to go for Monday. My classes went pretty smooth today, nothing out of the ordinary happend too much. We were able to stay busy today at work too, so that was nice. I only had to sit and stare at the wall a little bit today. Then after work, we threw a surprise party for Becky at church. She had a lot of fun it seemed like. We played this mystery murder game (I was the pro basketball player that always gets the girls). It was kind of interesting but still pretty fun. Then after that we did kereoke. (spelling?) but we didn't have the lyrics or anything.. but there was a computer with internet access, so I rigged up a way to do the lyrics and things. That was fun too. I did a song too. I did "One Week". That was fun, but I couldn't talk quite fast enough in some parts. Anyway after the party I had to do a little homework and things so that is why I'm up so late. But I do have work tomorrow though so I will need to wake up early still. So speaking of that I should probably get to bed. Night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:18 AM 

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