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Friday, May 30, 2003
Hey everyone sorry I forgot to write an entry for yesterday the day was pretty boring anyways though, you didn't miss much. There wasn't even church last night so I just stayed home and worked on the computer. Then I chatted online until around 1:30 in the morning and then I didn't feel like writing a blog after I finished the conversation Kat and I were having. So I just went strait to bed. But anyways, thing were a little more eventful today. Scott ended up coming over early this morning before work because he had a car load of things to move into the apartment next to me. So I helped him with that and then we went strait to work after that. We stayed busy today though but the weird thing is we only made one sale all day. We were so busy though because a new shippment of things came in. So we had to unpack about 35 boxes full of things and then price them and set them out on stock. So my hands are a little cardboard burned today, but thats ok. It was good for a change of pace. After work was over I came home and checked e-mail and read my snail mail (I'm getting some here now finally) Then I talked on the phone to Will for awhile. After that I decided to make dinner. I made bacon and scrambled eggs for dinner tonight. I made the perfect bacon too.. it was great. It had that golden brown color and it had the slight crunch to it. Ah perfection.. but anyway after that I decided I would make cookies too so I did that for about an hour or so. Then at around 10:30 Scott showed up here again and He brought his 70 gallon fishtank to bring into his apartment tonight. He was working since after work unhooking it at his place so he finally go that done and over here by 11. Its one of those things you have to do all in one night or everything would die. So I had to help him get it setup tonight once he had it over here. We didn't setup everything though.. just enough to get all the fish in and the pump going for now. Since it was so late. He'll be back tomorow after work to finish up. I have to go over and turn the lights on before I go to work though. Anyway we finally got done around 12:20. He lives all the way in Roanoke too so he just stayed over at Andy's place for the night. Well that was my day. I think I will wake up early tomorrow and call the cable company and check to see about that cable internet and if it is available at this location... I doubt it. Well Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:32 AM 

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