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Monday, May 26, 2003
I ended up getting the day off work today. They told me they would just call me this morning if they needed me. I woke up around 9:00 today to my alarm clock going off but then I just turned it off and went back to sleep and decided I would let the phone wake me up if they needed me. Well it turns out they didn't need me so I didn't get a call and I ended up sleeping in until around 1:30. They closed the shop at 12:00 and then Scott came over to my apartment and rang my doorbell waking me up. He wanted me to help him move again today. So I got up and took a quick shower and then we headed to Roanoke to pick up a load with my Van. Once we got loaded up we headed back and dropped it all off at the storage unit. Once we finished with that we went and played a couple computer games for awhile. I ended up coming back home around 7:00 or so. I just worked on my computer most of the night after that. Then I made a quick dinner (Lipton Noodles) and then worked on my computer some more. That pretty much covers my day today. I think I'm going to turn in early since I cleaned out my e-mails and now don't have anything left to do. I need to wake up somewhat early anyways so I can make a couple calls in the morning before work. Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 10:53 PM 

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