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Wednesday, May 21, 2003
It's now the 21st and my phone finally works. It was supposed to be up on the 12th though. I was able to get the instalation fee taken off though since they took so long. That would have costed around $39 so I'm happy about not having to pay that. Well I wish I could tell you all about what I did over the past week since I haven't been able to blog on those days. But to tell you the truth I can't really remember all that much. I have been working full time though so thats pretty much all I've been doing. That and setting up my apartment with things. I have pictures of my apartment up online now at www.jerdill.com/photos/liberty Once you go there click on "My apartment in Lynchburg". There are quite a few pictures there. I stood in the middle of each room and took pictures while spinning around to get the whole room. Another thing I did was go and See the Matrix 2 at the theater on Sunday. I went with Will and Kat and Becky. We went to a matinee so it was cheaper. It was pretty fun. I hated the ending to the movie though, but the rest of it was very good. They just leave you hanging and you have to wait until the 3rd one comes out in November. Its very annoying. Today I just went to work and then to church. And Now I can finally surf the net for a bit tonight so thats what I'm up to now. I had 153 e-mails to check since I haven't read them in so long. I'm down to 23 now. I should get going and finish reading some of those. Sorry about the big gap in blog though, but just think nothing important happend because thats pretty much what happend anyway. I'll get back into my blogging grove starting tomorrow night and you can hear all the juicy boring details about my days as they happend. Well Thats it for tonight. I'm tired, but I need to check a couple more e-mails. Bye for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:58 PM 

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