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Tuesday, June 24, 2003
I woke up to the dog pacing back and forth this morning. It was about 7:30 and he was walking around a whole lot.. so I tried to sleep at least till 8:00 and then got out of bed and let him out. I found a good spot outside where he would be comfortable. I was still very tired though but I decided I might as well not worry about going back to bed. So I just stayed up and di some things around the house. I left early to work too so I could stop by the post office. Still no resolution about that package I sent to my dad. But anyway, I'll figure it out sometime. It sure was nice at work today having the other guys around. I didn't have to do everything by myself. It was great. I actually had a chance to eat lunch =). I also got a package from my parents today at work. It was full of some good reading material and a Game. So we test out the game a little at work today. Its pretty nice. After work I just came home and warmed up some left over BBQ chicken and had that and salad for dinner. Then I helped scott put together a nice evening for his wife, by getting him some music he could play and I also got some groceries for him while he setup the house. While he was over there doing his thing. I just came back and hung out with Jake "the dog" for a bit and read some e-mails and things. I also wrote a written notice that I'll be moving out in two months. I'll give that to them when I pay the bill for the apartment next month. After Scott's wife went to sleep he came over here and we played a quick game but it turned out to be kinda long. So I'm going to bed past midnight again. Oh well. Night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:45 AM 

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