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Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Today I woke up and went to work a little early. Since I left early It didn't matter that Scott's car was still in the driveway when I left. But then 10:00 rolls around and Scott doesn't show up. So I give him a call around ten after and I wake him up. He had slept in! Andy decided that he was going to go run some errands before he comes in today too without telling anyone so I was stuck there until around 10:40. By myself. It was good I got up on time and was able to open the shop. A huge shippment came in too. So I had to accept about 30 packages or so and get them all carried in on my own. It wasn't so bad though.Today was the busiest day we've had in awhile. All the work benches were full with a computer and we even had about 5 in the waiting line. It was good to have something to do the whole time for once. After work I did some grocery shopping and got some more things for lunches and some milk. Then I had dinner over at Scott's tonight. So I hung out over there for a bit, then he came over here to use the internet for awhile. After he left I tried to watch Smallville. But then my parents called so I talked to them instead. They gave me some information I need to look into about the insurance and things. After I got off the phone with them Scott came over and we played a quick game for about 45 minutes or so. After we got done, we both watched Smallville. I had recorded it since I couldn't watch it when it was on cause I was talking to my parents. So anyway, it was a good episode. It was a re-run but I hadn't seen it because it was one that played while I was at liberty and I couldn't watch it there. But anyway that was the extent of my day today. I need to get to bed. I get to go have dinner at Allie and Brittany's house tomorrow after work and then watch a movie. So that should be a lot of fun! I'm looking forward to that. Well I'm off to the land of the ZZZ's so I'll babble some more later.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:53 PM 

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