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Friday, August 29, 2003
It has begun again... me falling asleep in my classes. I had Theology, Church Ministries, and Government. I was fighting the sleep the entire day. I didn't fight hard enough in Theo or Govt, it won. I hope tomorrow I'm not so tired. Those classes are just going to all be lecture classes... I don't know how I'll make it with a full day of lectures. Today was just more sylabi reading. Thats all I have to say about that. Today we got a new Server at work. So we had toys to play with today. Its a Dell Presision Dual 2.8Ghz XEON machine with 4GB of Ram and 500GB SCSI HD space. It is defenatly a nice machine. After work I was going to head strait over the Miller's house but they got busy running errands so we had to post pone it until tomorrow night. So instead I went up into Dorm 2 (a girls dorm) and fixed a computer for one of them up there. I did get it mostly working.. but the internet went down because of a thunderstorm we were having outside so I couldn't do my final checks or anything. I think it was working well though. While I was up there we watched Ms Congeniallity. about 15 other girls came into the room and hung out with us too.. I guess they liked the idea of a guy being on their dorm. It was fun though. I had to be back by 10:00 however for Hall meeting tonight. I had to lead the group again tonight. I inherited 3 more guys tonight... they said the groups will keep changing though by next week I should have my permant guys for the group. I was bombarded with more homework again today.. I finally was able to get most of it done tonight.. I just have to write a short paper sometime this weekend. So I think I'm going to go to bed now.. so I can stay awake in class tomorrow. SO I'll talk to you later! night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:27 AM
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