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Saturday, August 02, 2003
This morning I left to work a little early because I had to stop by and pay my rent for the last time this summer. By next month I'll be living back in my little 15x20 Dorm Cell back at liberty. =). I'm looking forward to going back though. The rest of my day was pretty routine though. Just went to work. Then came back home and read e-mail and things. I decided to cook some chili for dinner tonight. It was my first time making chilli on my own but it turn out very good. Scott even enjoyed a small bowl of it as well. After that I went over and watched a movie at Scott's house with Him and his wife. I got back around 11:00 and just worked on the computer some more. So it was just a pretty standard mostly uneventful day today. But it was relaxing though. I'm ready to get to bed now though. Some friends might come and visit me tomorrow night and who knows how long they will stay. I should get some good sleep tonight just incase they stay late.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:02 AM 

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