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Saturday, September 13, 2003
I got swamped with homework again today.. After classes and work I had to come straight back. Scott kind of was hoping I could stay late tonight so we could catch up at the shop since we've been behind lately, but I didn't think I could squeeze it in. I came back and had dinner, Brooke and Casey found me there at the dinning hall so I sat with them for dinner. I didn't get back to my room until around 7:20 or so since I stayed a little longer after dinner and talked to them. Then on the walk back I tried to cut through the Vines center only to find out that they were having the "Extraordinary Womans Conference" in there. So I got stuck walking though waves of 1000's of women. That was a little akward =). Tonight I had to work on a group project for my Marketing class that has to be ready by monday.. I also had to do some reaseaching for my speech I have to do sometime next week or the week after in Comms class. Then I am still trying to read through and organize Isaiah into parts for my group project in Old Testament Class. I also had to Fill out my work book for Evangelism class and read two chapters out of my Government book. Then I had to read 2 chapters and an article for my Theology class and answer about 10 questions about each of those... I've been working all night on that. I got about half done of everything... I made sure I got the project for monday all the way done though. So that is at least off my back for now. I also talked to a new friend of mine Named Tori online tonight for about an hour or so. She shared with me her testamony and things like that... it was kind of fun talking to her. She asked me if I wanted to go to Roanoke tomorrow and go to a free concert at 7:00. I may do that, it all depends on how much homework I can get done between then and now. But first things first... sleep I think. I am going to go there now. Night.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:09 AM 

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