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Sunday, September 28, 2003
I woke up today around 7:30 and got to work at 8:00 this morning. I was there from 8:00am until around 8:00pm (12hours today). Sarah stopped in and brought me lunch today.. She just showed up without me ever calling or anything... She was just like "Hey I brought you lunch" That was really nice of her, that was the only thing I ended up eathing all day though. Since I was at work all day I never had a chance to go out to dinner because the dinning hall at school closed at 7:00. So I'm kind of hungry. Anyway right after I got off work I went to davids place and some friends got together and we played RISK. The only problme with that game is that it never ends... So we ended up being there until 11:50 or so. Sarah, Angela, Matt, Tori, and a new guys I just met named Andy played. It came down to just Me Sarah, and Angela in the end but we couldn't finish in any short time so we just called it quits. After that I just came back to my dorm and read e-mails and had to get some things done that I couldn't because I was gone all day. But now I"m going to bed.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:22 AM 

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