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Sunday, September 14, 2003
This morning I just woke up and headed to work around 9:00. I went a little early today because we've been swamped lately and thought I would try to go and start getting caught up before we opened. The other guys kind of had the same idea though, because Andy was there when I got there and Scott came in shortly after I did. The work day went pretty well today, we didn't have too many customers or phone calls all at once so we were able to just work on the computers mostly today. After work I just came back to the dorm and did some homework and I also had to work on one guy's Computer on the hall. On the Liberty Tech Site they listed me as a Go to Comptuer guy for all the things that Resnet (the liberty tech) can't fix. So somebody called me up this afternoon and asked If I could help them out with changing the keyboard on thier laptop. Her name was Deborah. So She ended up bringing it by my window and I got to know her and we chatted while I worked on it. I guess being the guy that can do what the Resnet can't has some good advantages... One being getting to know some nice/cute girls. Thats always a plus. Then at around 5:00 I headed off to Roanoake for a Charles Billingsley concert & meet at the poles rally. I kind of left at a bad time though because the Extraorinary Womens Conference just got out again then there was massive traffic buildup.. it took me 15 minutes just to get off campus. Once I finally hit the highway it was smooth sailing though. I really don't like taking long trips like that by myself though because I keep dozing off all the time. I went way off on the side of the road at least 4 times on the drive there. I finally made it to my friends house though. She brought her brother and her sister with her and they all got in my car and we headed over to the church where it was being held at. It was a pretty good concert, I had a lot of fun there. We also had a time of small group prayer since it was also a pre-meet at the pole ralley. They had different subjects to pray about at different times. Then one of the times they had all the Youth Pastors go up to the front of the sancuary and then they had all of the youth groups go up and touch their youth pastors and pray over them and thank and show their appreciation to them. Since my youth pastor wasn't there I just stayed in the chair. It got me thinking about my old Youth pastor Kiyle Decker. I really started to miss him. I decided that when I got back to campus tonight I was going to call him and Thank him for all he had done while being my youth pastor and catch up on some talk. It just really got me thinking about how much he had done in my life and he is a part of who I am today. I just really wanted to talk to him. So while I was sitting in my chair I took the time and just said a prayer for him whatever he is doing at that time and for God's work in his ministry. Once the concert was over I went back to Tori's House and she decided she wanted to ride back to Liberty with me tonight. She was planning on staying till tomorrow and going back with another friend. But she wanted to come to my church in the morning so she just came with me. I was glad though because she was able to keep me awake the whole trip back. We even stopped and got some slurpees on the way home. After I dropped her off at my dorm I hunted and found a decent parking spot and then came back to my room and did some homework reading while I did some research to find Kiyle's phone number. I found the number but when I called he wasn't there. Todd picked up and told me he would be there in about an hour or so... so I just waited and did more homework and tried calling back in an hour. I was finally able to get ahold of him and I was able to tell him that I was thinking about him and thank him for everything. I felt better after that. Well Its going on 2:00am and I really need to get to bed. It was worth staying up to call him though. But I will sure be tired tomorrow at church. I have to wake up at 7:00 again for practice. Pray I don't fall asleep on the keyboard and make the slides change when they aren't supposed to. =). Have a great night! Bye for now.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:02 AM
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