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Friday, October 31, 2003
Today was kind of a weird/funny day. It started out normal with Theology in the morning. But then right after that have evangelism. And we go in and take the quiz as normal. But then as soon as we finish with the quiz the teach is like "I don't feel like having class today" so we all go to leave. I had to take it as an opportunity to take a nap because I never get a nap. I did kind of sleep too long though and I didn't get to my Government class because of it. But thats ok though, I never learn anythign from that class anyway. They always just go off on a tangent and discuss things I could care less about and argue about political issues and things. None of it is ever on the test. I could just read the book and pass that class. So since I was going to be late going to class I just didn't go and I went right to lunch instead. I hung out there for my last time at the table to get points for the sister dorm. This time I not only took trays up for people after they were done eating I even got food for them too today. Anyway after lunch I went to work and then Andy and I left about 30 minutes early to go do another setup over at the highschool. We had to install a router this time. We kept having problems with the cable going down though so it took longer then expected. We were out there until about 7:00 tonight. I was able to get back to campus around 7:30 and get take out for dinner. Then I ate in my room while I worked on some homework until Hall meeting. I really need to find a topic for my next speech "persasive speech" I'm having trouble getting one I'm interested in. But anyway then after hall meeting.. even though the contest was over. us guys wanted to show the girls we still love them and its not just for points. So I brought my van over to the dorm and a few guys that play instruments brought their equipment and loaded it up in my van. Drums, Amps, Electric - Bass - acoustic guitars, Trombone, Harmonica. We had it all. Then I had to drive it all the way over out front of the sister dorm. In order to do that I had to 4x4 it up a really steep hill and avoid some trees and ditches and then manuver aroudn so I was parked right between D28 & D27. Then we unloaded all the equipment and plugged in and started the music. I used my headlights for our lighting system. Everythign went really well and the girls loved it. We sang "I don't want to miss a thing" and then they sang 2 orginal songs about 28-1. I had a great time. The girls in the dorms all around kept sticking their heads out to see what was going on. Then just as we were finishing up the LUPD came out and tried to break it up. Except we had already cleared it with the "Higher Powers" so they just let us be. We were out singing and stuff until around 11:00 or so. Then we had to load up my van and I had to get us all back out on the road again so we could unload again back at our dorm. By the time it was all said and done I was back in my room again by midnight. It was worth it though the girls enjoyed it so much. So anyway I still don't have a topic I will have to talk to the teacher tomorrow about it I think. I was supposed to do a small one minute speech tomorrow about something about my topic.. But I have no topic, so I will just have to tell him that. I have our group project on Isaiah tomorrow in my first class too. But I have to be there at 7:00 tomorrow so we can practice and run through it and everything That means I have to set my alarm around 5:50. That means I should start getting ready for bed. So until the next time. I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.. whatever it is.... =)
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:17 AM 

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