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Saturday, October 04, 2003
Well! Its friday today... and that means absolutley nothing for me =). I still will have to go to work in the morning. But I still had a pretty good day though. Old Testament and Speech class were the usual today with nothing to new to report on those. Then instead of Convocation today I met up with Deanna and Becky and we all went to Ministry Chapel instead. Right after ministry chapel I hurried over to my Marketing class becuse we had a group presentation to do. We had to come up with a new product. Our group decided to make popicles with real fruit juice. So we actually made some prototypes and got those ready to go so we could pass them out before we presented. That was pretty fun and it went very well.. After that class I just headed off to lunch and then work as usual. I ate lunch with Tori and Sarah today that was pretty fun. Work was the usual day.. I fell asleep while standing up a couple times at work though. That was interesting as I wake up almost falling over. So anyway after Work tonight I was supposed to go out to dinner with Jessica, but I found out later that her dad just found out he will be going over seas next week and she left this afternoon (while I was at work) to go spend time with him before he left. So pray for her and her family during the departure. So anyway the dinner together didn't work out as we planned so instead I went to the marriot. I did my usual rounds and talked to a whole bunch of people then ended up sitting and eating ceral with Becky and Tori and Anna. Then we just kind of hung out there for a long time. Then at around 8:30 I ended up taking 5 girls out to eat at The Texas Road house. Two of them I knew already (Becky and Anne) but then I got to know the other three (Michele, Jakie, and Daina). I just orderd some Cheese fries for myself. But I ended up eating some of Becky's chicken and Salad and then some of Anne's Ice cream since they couldn't finish it. We ended up leaving there sometime around 11:00 I would say. I was thinking about going to a concert tonight that was an approved Late night activity until 2:30 but I decided I better not since I hadn't been home all day and I had quite a few things I need to do on teh computer and homework ect. People are just starting to get back from it now. I've heard mixed opionons on it being good or bad or just decent. So I don't know who to beleive =). Anyway I think I'm going to start to head to bed since I have to still wake up for work tomorrow morning. Soo Good night world!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:57 AM 

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