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Saturday, November 01, 2003
Happy Halloween/Reformation day! Yeah I ended up waking up at 5:00 this morning so we could meet at 6:00 this morning for our Isaiah Group project. (an hour earlier then I thought). We were able to get everythign settled though and I think the presentation went very well. I will let you know our grade when I know for sure. After that class though and only getting 3 hours of sleep last night I slept in both of my other classes.. I don't think I could even tell you what we did in either one. Its pretty bad I know. After classes I went to work as usual. We got two new color laser printers today at work. They are awsome printers. I've never seen a color print so nice. If I ever need to print a photo They will turn out just like the real thing almost. If I remember to take pictures.. I haven't been very good at that lately. I'll try and work on that. But anyway right after work I headed back to school for a Halloween party at 7:00. It wasn't that great but it went ok. They had a cool snack table and it was nice to just stand aroudn and chat with the other people that showed up. It went until 10:00 and then right after that A couple of us from 28-1 and 5-1 went to an offcampus persons house and hung out there for awhile. (Jessie, Josh, Cody) from 5 & (Tyler, Erika, Jill and Bekah) from 28. we just kind of hung out and talked and told stories and things. That was more fun then the party. But anyway we were there until about 20 minutes before curfew. Then I drove everybody back and dropped them off and parked my car. After returning to my dorm I chatted online for a bit and then Allie sent me the long 375 question survey that I have on my website filled out with her responses so I read through that completely. I learned a lot about her, it was very interesting. But now I'm really tired and I'm going to turn in earlier then normal tonight and I might be able to catch up on a little sleep. So until tomorrow night! Bye!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:44 AM 

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