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Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Today I kept falling asleep in Theology class again. This time Kat was holding my head up - she said the teacher looked over and laughed at me. As for the rest of my classes they were pretty standard. I also got that package that my parents send me with my tabs in it for my car. They also sent me quite a few sunday comics.. I might bring those along with me during thanksgiving and read them then. Well anyway after classes I headed off to work. I had to go over to the school again today to do some more setup work but it was pretty quick this time and I was in and out in about an hour and a half. I stayed after a little late though because some customers came in like 10 minutes after closing. But thats ok because they all bought something. But anyway I ended up being there until 6:50 tonight. Then after that Scott wanted me to stop by his place and see his new fish that he got. Its very pretty, its almost a glow in the dark yellow. While I was there he ended up feeding me dinner too (Sweet and Sour Chicken) so that was nice of him, since I stayed too late at work and missed dinner here at school. I couldn't stay too long though because I had a study appointment with Kat tonight for my Theology Class which we have an exam in on thursday. I have a feeling this test is going to be a rough one. Anyway so we studied in the comptuer lab for awhile. After that I had to hurry back so I could go to my Prayer Leader Meeting (RHLM). That lasted until around 11:15. It was kind of annoying though because they just kind of sat there and chatted for a really long time when I had things I needed to do. But oh well thats how it goes I guess. I was stuck staying up this late though because of it I had to do reading for two of my classes tomorrow and also study for a quiz. Tomorrow will probably be another long hard day of class because of that. But anyway. I think thats it for now.. I'm off to bed. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:01 AM 

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