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Friday, November 28, 2003
Today was just a relaxing day, I didn't really do anything too exciting, but thats what your supposed to do on holidays anyway. I woke up around 11:30 and we kind of cleaned up the house a little. Then the BJ's came over and we all cooked the thanksgiving meal. We had it all except for the deviled eggs. It was delicious! After the meal they all watched Finding Nemo. It would have been my 13th time seeing it, but I was pretty tired after eating all the turkey so I got comfortable ready to watch it but then I konked out and I didn't wake up until after the movie was over and the BJ's were on thier way out. But the nap was great and I felt better after it. The rest of the evening we just kind of sat around and visited and watched movies and things, and thats what we've been doing ever since. I took a break to check my e-mail and work on the computer for a bit though. But like I said I mostly just relaxed all day. We'll probalby watch one more movie then head off to bed now. I hope that tomorrow we don't get too busy and I get a chance to go back over to my grandma's house. But until then I'm going to say good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:41 AM 

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