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Wednesday, November 05, 2003
Whew! I can finally get to sleep now. I really had to get my speech done today and I was gone the entire day and I didn't get a chance to come back to my room until after 11:30. The day was just a regular tuesday as far as classes are concerned. I fell asleep as usual in my Theology class, and then I kind of dozed off and on in my Evangelism class. My Government class today was cancelled so I didn't have to go to that. But I didn't get to use that time to work on homework like I would have liked though. I had to go to lunch during that time because Kat said she really had to talk to me. She just wanted to let me know some things that have been on her mind. I'm glad that she told me though. So anyway I was at lunch for almost an hour today. Then I had to head over to work. Work was unusally slow today for some reason. I felt like I was just standing there a lot of the time. But anyway it finally ended and I came back to campus and ate dinner. Then Kat needed a ride to Wal-mart and I told her I would take her (Becky was using her car). I needed to make a trip there anyway. So While I was there I bought Finding Nemo!! It was on sale for only $14 I couldn't pass that up with it being such a great movie. Then I also needed to get a tooth brush. I've been using the same one for almost 2 years now I think. I probably still wouldn't have thought about getting a new one except that some brisels were coming out now. I figured it was time for a new one. Then on the way to check out there was a really cool Taz Tie that I saw. It was only $8 bucks so I got that as well. By the time we got back to campus it was about 8:20. I had a group meeting I needed to be at at 8:30 so it was good timing. So I parked my car and walked up to the computer lab where I was going to meet everyone. (Buisness Group for marketing class). We talked over what all we needed to do and we were out of there in about an hour. That left me a couple minutes to park my car permantly for the night (had to go to the pit tonight) and then get back to my dorm just in time for my Prayer leader meeting (RHLM). They went really long tonight too which was kind of annoying considering that I had lots of homework to do and I hadn't been back to my room all day. But finally at 11:30 I was able to get here and start on my homework. You all know how much I hate speech class and so I spent about 4 hours getting a speech together for tomorrow. (one minute speak time). I think I finally got it all acomplished though. I hope it goes well. Ok well I'm going to start getting ready for bed now.. and considering that I'm looking at only getting 3-4 hours of sleep tonight I'm going to be really tired tomorrow. But anyway I'm done talking now. Have a great night everyone!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:46 AM 

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