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Friday, December 05, 2003
Fell asleep in my first class again today, but then we had our final exam in my evangelism class right after that, which I think I did pretty good on. I got done really early I had had like an hour and a half before I had my next class, so I made a quick Wal-Mart run. I got some more decorations for our room and some wrapping paper and stuff. I got this really cool fiber optic christmas tree. you can probably see it on the webcam. But anyway after that it was about time for me to go to my next class so I came back and dropped everythign off at my dorm and headed off to class. After class I hurried over to the take out line and grabbed lunch to go today because I had some more things I had to do before work. I had to ship a package back home and then go talk to somebody at my bank and get some fees removed that shouldn't have been there. That all worked out well and they took them off for me. By this time it was starting to snow pretty good here in lynchburg. But I was close to work and I ended up just going right there. By the time 6:00 came around there was about 1 1/2 inches on the ground. It wasn't just snow though it was ice all along the roads too. On the drive home (which took 30 minutes) I saw 4 cars off in the ditch and they couldn't get out as well as 2 accidents. It was pretty crazy. I made it back without any problems though. After getting back I grabbed dinner from take out again so I could get ready to go fix a computer in one of the girls dorms. That went pretty well and I was able to get it working great for her. She was on the 6th floor of Dorm 33 - they have a great view from there. But anyway once I finished up with her comptuer I stopped by our sister dorm and picked up two of the girls laptops from there and brought them back to my room to get them all working well for them. I was able to do that fairly quickly and I do have them done now. I'll see if I can return them tomorrow. But anyway that was the majority of the interesting parts of my day... but for now I'm off to bed (its 3:30am now) But thats also ok because there isn't any school tomorrow Yea!! Ok Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 3:24 AM 

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