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Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Well, it looks like I have two entry's to do tonight since I couldn't get one done last night. Last night after my all nighter I still didn't get to bed until around 2:00. So I had been up for almost 48 hours by the time I was able to actually get some sleep. I had to wake up at 6:00 so I could go to an exam before classes started at 8:00 since it got cancelled for the snow day on friday and that was the only time I coudl take it. So I decided to not even go to sleep since I had to wake up so early. Instead I prepared for my group project that we had to present that same day. The exam went really well though and so did pretty much the rest of the day besides the fact that I was in a daze the whole day pretty much. After work I then headed to Wal-mart for one last thing to do before open dorms that were tonight (Tuesday). I bought 100 Roses and I de-leaved them all and prepped them up. Then I made little tags for each one saying Merry Christmas from Jeremy Dillinger. Then I set them up in water and took care of cleaning our room. Vacuming and tidying up and things. Then I was finally able to get to bed around 2:30. So Thats it for Monday.. let me tell you about Today!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:45 AM 

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