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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Well, today I got to sleep in rather late. It was really enjoyable too... I finally had to wake up by order of my bladder, I hate it when that happends. It was probably good that I woke up anyway. Allie IMed me and said she was bored out of her mind. I tried to ease her boredom by talking to her for awhile before my parents wanted to take me shopping. I don't see how talking to me can be all that exciting though.. so I don't know how much I helped =). But anyway, once my parents were ready to hit the road off to the shopping centers we went. I ended up getting two dress shirts, new shoes, an electric razor, and even a bow tie (which looks good with one of the dress shirts we bought). I'll probably wear that when I get back to lynchburg for church on sunday. But anyway, we were out for quite awhile getting those items. Then I also bought a car today too. Its a white mini van (which I've nicknamed "moby dick"). Really though, I just bought it from my dad for like a dollar so that way it is offically my car now. When I bought it in the first place I was only 17 so I wasn't allowed to own a car, so instead it was put under my dad's name even though I was the one paying for it. But now I can say it is "my" car. (I did anyway but still..) We also stopped by the video store and picked up some rentals. We got SeaBiscut, I'm looking forward to seeing that since I've heard good things about it. We'll probalby end up watching them tomorrow night or something. After getting back home we ate dinner and then just kind of lounged around the house for awhile. I chatted online to a couple friends too. Tori, Kat, and Katie. But that just about covers my evening. After my parents had gone to bed I tried to help jason recover some information off of one of his harddrives that has gone bad. So far we haven't had any luck, but I have a couple more options to try in the morning. It got late and we stopped for the night. Well thats it for now... Now its your turn if you are reading this Leave a comment.. comments are your friends, not food. haha j/k. Anyway.. DO IT!!!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 3:26 AM 

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