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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Alright, now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'm going to write that entry that I didn't get a chance to write last night. So here was Yesterday: It all started on a dark cold winter morn. At the Plummer (crack) of dawn. Don't you just love mornings that start out like that? Anyway.. I groggilly pull myself out of bed and and proceed to get ready for the day. I then head on out to the computer lab where I have my only two classes for the day. The first class I think I'm going to enjoy. It is all on networking. I already know quite a bit about that subject so I could take an ICE test and pass it then I wouldn't need that class. But There are no other classes during that time slot available for me to take. So I think I"ll just stick with it and get an easy A and an easy 3 credits. As for the class right after that it is System Arcitecture, in the same room. Today we took apart a comptuer and looked at all the parts necissary to build a computer (I see this about 30 times a day as it is). But the funny thing is. When it came time to take it apart. The Prof didn't have a screwdriver. So I pulled the set out of my backpack. Everybody is like "who would have thought". But anyway.. I'm pretty sure both of those classes should turn out to be pretty easy. My Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Schedule will probalby be my relaxed day this semester. So anyway after those classes we have convocation as usual and then I have 2 hour after that to study or eat lunch. I took some of that time to write half an e-mail and also do some actual studying. I think I will be grateful for that time this semester. Two hours is a lot better then 20 minutes like last semester. But then after my break I then headed on over to work. This week things have started to die down at work and we've caught up pretty nicely now. But anyway after work I then headed back to campus and ate a quick dinner - then I was off to my dorm for the rest of the night with a massive load of homework (and an e-mail to write). Then in the middle of studying one of the guys in my prayer group stopped by my room and wanted to spend some time together. So I decided to just drop everything and hang out with him for about 30-45 minutes. We ended up going down to late night and having nachos while we chatted. But then once we got back here I had to continue on the HW. Once I finished with that I really wanted to finish writing the e-mail I started before lunch so I ended up staying up until about 1:30 to finally get that done. Then as you probably noticed from my blog late last night... That was it for me.. I was out cold shorly after.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 11:32 PM 

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