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Friday, January 02, 2004
I didn't sleep in quite as long today. I ended up waking up around 10:00. Then even before I got dressed I started working on the FAFSA (Finacial Aid Application). So my dad and I got that out of the way as soon as we could this year. After we finished up with that, my dad and I just hung out in the living room and we watched some movies on TV. Just kind of chillin being with my family.. you know how it is. Then my Grandma showed up and I spent some time with her. We read some of my Comic collection that I have. (Sunday Comics that is). She kind of reads slow though so I got done quite a bit earlier then she did =). So while Grammy was finishing up her comic reading I chatted online to a couple people... Tori, Allie, and Hannah. Then I helped make dinner and we had some big juicy steaks for dinner tonight. They said "Mad Cow" all over them j/k. haha. My Grandma had to leave pretty shortly after dinner though because it was starting to snow again and we wanted to make sure she got home safely. So after she left I talked to Allie some more online then my mom wanted to show me some pictures of what happend this year while I was away.. That took a good two hours (You know moms & Photos) But that was ok with me I liked to see what went on. Then after that I taught my mom how to do some things with her digital camera and how to put them on the computer and e-mail them.. and a couple other things you can do with digial photos. After she "figured it out" I did some more photo editing of my own and added a couple more pictures to the "Christmas in Seattle" section of my online photo album Then I pet happy and lounged around with her until now, when I decided to take a break and write my blog and then head to bed. So that is it! Tomorrow all my friends are back from TLC so we might end up doing something tomorrow. Until next time!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 3:04 AM 

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