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Sunday, January 25, 2004
I got to sleep in like 2 hours late today rather then have to wake up at 6:30 I didn't have to wake up till 8:30. I was all ready for a good scrabble game after work today. But I turns out that kind of changed. Work was normal and everything but while I was there, church called me and confirmed that we were going to have church tonight at 6:00 because of the forecast of snow tomorrow. Luis called me last night about it and asked me if I thought it was a good idea. He didn't tell me for sure that they were having it though. But it ended up being confirmed this afternoon. So After work I still went to the Donneberg's but I didn't try to play Scrabble because I had to be at church at 4:30 for worship team practice. So instead we played a short game of Chinese Checkers and then Jo cooked us a quick dinner. It was pretty good, but I was running a little late so I couldn't finish all of it. But anyway I made it to church still in a decent time and they weren't waiting for me or anything. Practice went well considering the last minute throw together but the main service went even better and it was like we didn't have to throw it together. The attendence was a little on the small side but that was understandable considering the time change. The message was really good too. He talked about how to hear God when he speaks. After the service tonight we had a movie night too. We watched Cats and Dogs as the movie of choice. It was kind of cheesy but funny however. And you know how much I love cheese though so it wasn't all bad. Most of the people that were at the service stayed for the movie too so it was a decent turn out. After most everybody left I stayed and helped clean up a little. Then when we finished with that a couple of the people wanted to stay and play cards. So, Pete & Julie, Dennis, Pastor Larry and I stayed and played a card game of count down. Nobody had cards though when they mentioned playing, but luckily I had two packs of cards in my car so I got those and we were able to play. I lost pretty bad but it was still fun. We ended up being there until around 10:30. I was ready to come back to campus after that though, I was pretty tired (still am) from being gone all day. So I think I'm going to start getting ready for bed. This time since I don't have to wake up for church or work I will be able to sleep in a lot more I hope. Now I'll really be ready to take on Allie at Scrabble. I still don't think I have a shot at winning but perhaps a good nights sleep will spark some temporary intelligence. I guess we'll see! Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:43 AM 

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