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Saturday, January 24, 2004
Today my first class (networking) was another fun day. I enjoy the way the teacher teaches. My second class however was cancelled once again. I got to class and he took attendance and then he was like "I'm sick go home". So I got that whole time off again. I used that time to come back to the room and sqeeze in watching an episode of smallville before convocation. Also today in convocation the speaker talked about spiritual gifts. I had just gone over those with my prayer group near the end of last semester. He presented it so close to the way I did, it was almost like he had a copy of the notes I used. It was weird how that worked out. But anyway, after convo I headed over to lunch and met up with Jessica there. We got into conversation of "finding Nemo" and her and her friends kept quoting from it... so the rest of the day at work I had "no eating here tonight... no eating here tonight" and "just keep swimming... just keep swimming" stuck in my head. Its all her fault!!!! lol j/k. Work was decent today too. Nothing too out of the ordinary happend. Right near closing though Luis from church stopped by with his computer and he wanted to get a memory upgrade. So I helped him best I could. I didn't have time to put it up and test it out after installing it though because it was so close to closing. So I hope it worked for him. Anyway after work I headed back to campus and rushed to dinner (I made it 2 minutes before it closed). But while I was there I met one of the guys in my Networking class (Clyde). He told me that he saw my website and had fun reading it. So if your reading this Clyde... whats up? =) But then I had to get going so I couldn't talk to long. I invited him to church though. I hope he comes and checks it out one sunday, that woudl be cool. So anyway, after dinner I was going to go around and fix some people's computers that needed to be worked on. But I tried to call all of them and nobody ever answered. So instead I just came back to my room and watched smallville and chatted online the rest of the night. (I threw in a little studying too). But thats pretty much it for the night. I think I'm going to turn in a little early (earlier then normal). I could use the extra sleep. I will be going over to the Donneberg's house tomorrow after work to play some Scrabble with Allie. That should be fun... I need to get some sleep to compete with her. So thats what I'm going to do! Night...
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:48 AM 

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