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Friday, January 23, 2004
Today was rather uneventful. I had my first two classes as normal. One of my classes (history) was cancelled though so that was a nice break. After that though, I was off to work for the rest of the day. Once again.. not much to report on for the work day either. It was straight forward and routine. But you gotta have those most of the time (or it wouldn't be routine I guess). After work though I went over to Scott and Abbey's house for dinner. That was pretty fun. I hung out there until around 7:50ish. Scott and I threw around a football outside for a bit after dinner. It was like 20 degrees though so we didn't last long. We decided to play some Mario Cart on his Game cube instead so we could be in the warmth. So anyway, once I got back to campus I went through some things for my prayer meeting tonight so I could teach effectively. Then did some school work until hall meeting. My prayer group went well tonight too, we talked about how to effectively use the parts of our body to server God. Such as ears, eyes, mouth, feet, etc. So anyway... I just noticed the time. It says that I'm late for bed and need to go. I better listen to it. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:01 AM 

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