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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Hey guys.. if you read this today I have a couple prayer requests you can think about through the day. After going to sleep last night at around 3:30. At 4:30 (an hour later) one of the guys on my hall ends up needing a ride to the hospital. He has heart problems and currently he is in the operating room for surgery (he went in at 6:00). I ended up being the one to wake up and give him a ride. So anyway first of all keep him in your prayers, His name is Chad. They are implanting some kind of electronic device into his heart that will constantly monitor the activity. Then second of all.. pray for me today as I will try to press on through the day running on less then an hour of sleep. Thanks, and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Now on that note... since I'm already awake I think I may go to breakfast for the first time this semester (maybe all year.. can't remember) Hopefully it will wake me up some. I'll write more tonight.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 7:35 AM 

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