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Saturday, February 21, 2004
This morning my first class went really short. So I was able to have at least a half hour between classes in order to study some more for the test in the following class period. I think that was just enough to make the test go smoothly. There were a couple things I kind of was iffy about. But those things ended up being not on the test. So that made me very happy. He also gave us some extra credit opportunities on the test so I hope I made up a couple points with that. After I finished my test.. off to Convocation I went. It was cram packed in there today because of the 2300 CFAW's. Jerry spoke today, I kind of dozed off during what he was talking about though. But anyway after chapel I came back to my room and worked on some things until work. I ended up taking a little too long though so I didn't have time to go to the dinning hall for lunch. Instead I just went and grabbed some takeout and headed off to work. I had to make a quick stop at the post office to mail out a reference application and check my mail. That didn't take too long though and I made it to work in good time. It was one of those days at work where it seemed like the day never was never going to end. I'm not sure why though. We weren't like super slow or anything. But anyway as you probably guessed 6:00 did end up coming around and I could finally go home. The dinning hall for dinner was crazy tonight with all the extra people around. I ended up just getting random things and eating quickly so I could get out of there. After dinner I came back to my room for a short time. I didn't really have anything I could do though. It would have been nice to utilize that time to do homework, but I gave all my computers up for any weekender that wanted to use them. All of them were taken once I got back. So I just did some reading for english class while I waited until 8:15 so I could head on over to the Donneberg's. I was glad I could go over and hang out with them tonight because I really had nothing I could do in my room with all the weekenders swarming. =). Anyway it was fun over at the D-berg's house tonight. Allie had a friend (Stephanie) over for today and I got to meet her. We all just kind of hung out and talked for awhile. Then we watched Homeward Bound. It was really funny too because Jake was in the same room and whenver an animal would make noise on the movie he would perk his head up. Then in one scene he even got up and walked over to the television and looked at it with his head cocked to one side trying to figure out where the other "dog" was. It was a great laugh. Other then that I think we were all tired tonight so we didn't have any crazy moments or anything. But I still had a great time. After getting back to campus my computer was free (yea!!!). So I did some homework and chatted online with some people. Jessica and I even got into a conversation that kind of ended abruptly. I need to call her sometime this weekend and finish it hopefully. But anyway just as I was finishing up homework one of the guys from my prayer group came in (Brandon AKA: "B") and we had a quite lengthy converstaion on denominational differences between churches. It was pretty interesting.. but both of us were pretty tired so we just kind of let it come to a rest. Maybe we will talk about it later sometime. Or perhaps I'll make a lesson about it and give it in Prayer groups some night. But anyway.. I think that just about covers everything for today. I'm pretty tired so I'm going to head on to bed. Night for now.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:35 AM
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