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Thursday, February 26, 2004
Today I woke up and I seemed to be fairly awake in my first couple classes this morning. I managed to stay awake the entire class period in my 8:00 class. And then I only fell asleep for like 5 minutes in my 9:00 class. I still didn't really learn anything though even though I stayed awake. So anyway... after those classes I went to chapel as usual. Dr. Falwell spoke today on temptation, it was pretty good, but he never really mentioned anything I didn't know already. They did have a really cool gospel choir sing today though, they always do a great job and get the place moving. After the service was over I had to head over to my regular prayerleader meeting. The campus pastor that usally speaks to us is out of town today so we had a special speaker come in and talk to us. It was the baseball coach. His style of teaching is really weird but he spoke on "How to determine God's Will" The content itself was really pretty good. He left us with a quote from -F.B. Meyer that states "When the word of God, the impules of the Holy Spirit in my heart, and the outward circumstances are in harmony, then I am conviced that I'm acting in accordance with the will of God." That statement pretty much summed up what he had talked about. It makes a good guideline. I have that taped on my wall right now. Anyway once that prayerleader meeting was over I headed to lunch for a quick bite to eat. Then on my way to work I stopped by Mark Miller's office to talk to him about a couple things then I was on my way to my car and then to work. Upon arriving at work Andy was out on a service call so it was only Scott there at the time. The two of us were there for about 2 hours or so before Andy returned. Nothing else too exciting happend today at work so I'll just move on. After work I went over to the Donneberg's house for our small group get together tonight. I always love small groups over there and that secrets of the vine series we are doing has been pretty good lately. After the meeting was over I hung around with the people and then once they all left I stayed a little long and hung out with the Donneberg's. They showed me some of thier random picture collection it was pretty good stuff. Also a word of caution for the rest of you... lavender sented candle wax is pretty nasty.. and it tastes like pine needles. It also tends to get stuck in your teeth pretty well. So anyway I was having fun at thier house but I decided I better get back to campus to try and catch the last end of my Hall Leadership meeting. Normally it starts at 9:15 and I got there around 10:15. But it turns out that they ended up post poning the meeting until 10:00 anyways tonight so that means I got there to catch the whole meeting instead of the last end like I had expected. But that means the meeting lasted until right around 11:00 so... after being gone the entire day I finally make it back to my room around 11:30. Once I got back to my room I end up discovering that there is a laptop here from a person that needed it to be repaired. So I had to get that all taken care of plus check all my e-mails and respond to all those since I hadn't had a chance all day. Then I had to read about 30 pages from a text book for my history class tomorow and I still haven't even gotten a chance to work on my english paper. That sounds a lot like this Comic Strip about me - (Allie found that and made a quick edit and bam.. it turned into my life). Check it out, it's pretty funny. So anyway needless to say it has been a long night. I think I'm going to just stop where I am and take a sleeper the rest of the night. I'll be back tomorrow though! Never fear!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 3:03 AM 

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