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Thursday, March 18, 2004
Ok.. if you haven't noticed I didn't write a blog for last night. After leaving my room yesterday to go to work I didn't come back until tonight around 9:30. So I have a lot of catching up to do =o) here it goes! Ok things started out kind of on the boring side yesterday. I don't really get bored so I wasn't bored.. but it was just nothign really going on. I woke up around 10:00 and decided I was going to work on some homework. So I just got ahead on some homework in the morning until it was time for me to head to work. I did have to pack an overnight bag though because I was planning on being gone for the night over at somebodys house. So I got that all ready and packed up my car and headed off to work. Can't say anything too exciting happend at work. I did have a gentlmen from my church come in and drop off a computer for us to work on though. His name is Dave Kipe. It's always nice to see somebody I know come though. But other then that.. the day was a typical tuesday. After work I took my pastor and his wife out to dinner. We went to a really good restaruant called "the nieghbors place" It was a lot of fun getting to know the both of them better and I was able to share some things about myself with them as well. It was just a great time of fellowship. I ordered a steak for my meal and it was really really good. It was that kind of steak you can practically chew with your tounge.. ah it was perfection. But anyway we were there for just about 2 hours talking and eating. I think they had a great time. I wish I had a house so I could invite people over but going out to eat works just as well. It was a good way to show how much I appreciate them I think. So anyway once we left the restaruant I headed over to the Hartman's house for that eveing. I felt bad because I was getting there so late. It was just before 9:00 by the time I got there. But we still had some fun before the kids had to get to bed. I was able to read them my Finding Nemo book I got for my birthday. It was great. They all came and huddled around me on my bed as I read to them. Thats always so fun. After story time the kids and I got ready to head to bed. I didn't actually go to bed for awhile after that though. Once the kids all went to bed Big Dennis and I worked on the comptuers until around 11:30 or 12:00. We didn't really work on the comptuers the whole time though. We actually talked about a lot of things. I think he may have talked me into going Rock climbing with him one of these days. I think that might be a fun thing to learn how to do. But anyway after we finished up with the conversation I went and headed to my bed. Little Dennis was going to sleep with me in my bed that night so I got there and he was asleep.. but as I got in he woke up and saw me there. So Little Dennis (who is like 3 years old) and I had a pretty good conversation lying there in bed. Its amazing what this kid comes up with.. I'll tell ya =) He finally dozed off to sleep and once he was out cold I was out cold like a minute after that I think. I ended up waking up around 9:30 this morning to the sound of kiddies running around the house. It seems they were all awake for like an hour before I woke up. I can sleep through just about anything. I slept soundly for an hour while they were running around it was great. After waking up I got ready for the day and had some breakfast with them. Then while they all did thier homeschooling for awhile I was downstairs working on one of thier comptuers that desperatly needed a makeover. <-- (good term for comptuer work huh?) So I was able to get it working much better by the time they started getting things ready for lunch. Today they made some homemade pizza for lunch and salad. It sure was delicouse. While they all were working on lunch I decided to make a present for Allie's Birthday. It turned out to be pretty cool. Later today I lost it and I couldn't find it anywhere.. lucky for me I just found it like 20 minutes ago. So anyway once we finshed up eating lunch I had to head on over to work. It took a little longer then I expected to eat lunch so I was a tad late to work today, but I don't think they minded. Work today was just like any other day again.. nothing too exciting to report on so I'll just skip ahead to after work. We were having the Gathering tonight for church so I headed over to the main chruch building for those tonight. It was another good study and disscussion session tonight. The food was pretty good tonight too, Sara made a very good dish and I had a whole plate full. After the service I ended up haning around for quite awhile playing with the kids and talking to a bunch of people. But as soon as the last person left I had to go ahead and head out as well. Upon returning to campus I was stricken with the barenness of campus once again. I headed back to my room and sat down to work on some homework again. Brittany ended up being online at the time so I talked to her for a short time. Then as soon as she got off Allie was online for a bit so I had the chance to talk to her. It is very unusal for them to be on in the evening so I was happy to have the opportunity to chat for a bit. I didn't get to talk to them much at church tonight. But once they got off line I was once again by myself to work on some history homework. But the time came when I decided I would find a stopping point and write my blog. I know you all missed it and were anxiously awaiting it.. so here it is for you all! I hope you enjoyed it =). Bye for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:16 AM 

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