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Tuesday, March 09, 2004
This morning was a typical monday.. don't really have much to comment on for classes. After classes today I did have a gentlemen come in and drop off his computer in my room so I can work on it when I get a chance. I've been working on it a lot this eveing. After meeting up with him I ate a quick lunch and then headed over to work. While I was at work, I went next door to the chiropractor to get my back looked at. It's been hurting for awhile now. It was my first time ever going so I didn't know how it worked or anything. He ended up finding out that my backbone is in a big S shape. That is probalby why it has been hurting. I took an impact to the head straight down when I fell off the trampoline about a week ago and it probalby compressed the back bone all out of proportion. He was able to adjust it pretty good today. He also saw that my right shoulder was about 3 inches lower then my left shoulder and by the time he got through with me it was more level. After he finished with the spine manipulation he then put on some of those electrical diodes and put electrical impulses at certain points on my back so the musles would contract in areas that needed to. It was a weird experience. After he was done the main part felt much better. My neck still kind of hurts but he said I needed to come back on wednesday for another look and I can tell him about my neck then. But anyway I think he worked out that S shape pretty well. My spine cracked about 40-50 times I think while he was working on it. The whole process took about 30 minutes or so and then I went back to work after that. It made standing a whole lot easier for the rest of the day. Once it was time to close I headed back to campus and ate a quick dinner and then I went to a literature show where students read thier poems and stories to the audience. I really went for the extra credit, but it turned out to be pretty cool. There was some really good liturature that they read. The whole meeting lasted for about an hour or so. After it was over I came back to my room and started on my homework and working on the gentlemen's computer. His computer is pretty old and it needed a lot of work. I didn't anticiapte having to take the whole thing apart and switching things with one of my other ones because his CD rom didn't work. And then finding out his network didn't either so I had to do all kinds of things to even start on what It needed to have fixed. It was actually pretty annoying because I have a quiz and a test tomorrow that I have to study for. But anyway, I at least had a chance to look over my notes and study for a little bit tonight. I hope that will do the trick. But anyway.. I think I'm going to start getting ready for bed so I can be good and awake for the tests tomorrow. Good night everybody!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:04 AM 

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