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Monday, March 29, 2004
Today was a good day.. good day indeed. I had to be at church this morning at 8:00 as usual for worship team practice. Brittany and Allie both had to be at church early this morning because they had things they had to do before the service too. So I ended up picking them up on the way over to church. Practice went pretty good today. I was able to get everything setup I needed to pretty quickly today so I just wandered around for a bit since I had extra time. I did have to que up two movie clips (on VHS on DVD) last minute though and we dont' have a small TV in the room to do it on so I had to do it on the big screen while people were starting to come in. I was able to find the spots ok though before too many people started to filter in. Pastor was talking about how christians are supposed to be aliens to this world so he had us watch a couple clips from "The Men in Black" The service itself went pretty well this morning too, I enjoyed it. After church today I went over to the Donneberg's for lunch, Tori ended up coming along too. That was pretty cool to have her there. We just talked for awhile over there and then ate lunch. After lunch we ended up going downstairs and we watched the movie "Count of Monte Cristo" I thought it was a great movie. I had never even heard of it before. It was a fun one to watch. Shortly after that Sarah came by and picked up Tori from thier house because she wanted to spend some time with Tori for the day. I guess Tori is in high demand these days =). Thats good though. Anyway Britt and Allie had to be at chruch tonight at 4:30 to practice for a skit they are doing for the Palm Sunday service. So I took them early, Since I was there already I decided to just stay and watch them practice and just be there until church started at 6:00. I was able to help with the kids and attempt to keep them out of the way while I was there so I didn't have to just sit there bored the whole time, I made myself useful. Once 6:00 rolled around, the evening service started. We watched the last installment of the "Gospel of John" tonight and then discussed it again. I thought the movie clip was very good tonight, but I liked the dissucssion last week a little better. Tonight was ok but nothing too exciting. I ended up hanging out after the service for quite awhile and I ended up being one of the last to leave. After returning to my dorm Allie ended up being online so I talked to her for a short time and then Britt was online so I talked to her for a little bit after that. While I talked to them I had a barrage of IM's coming at me from random people. So at one point I was talking to 8 people. I ended up just not talking to some of them because I had to get some homework done tonight too. Tori was online too though so I did talk to her for a bit. Meanwhile I was trying to study for a history test. After awhile I just stopped talking on IM and just put up my Homework away message and worked on my history work and english work the rest of the night. I think I"m going to just call it quits for the night now though. I keep dozing off while I'm trying to study and that doesn't work very well. I don't have to go to my 8:00 class tomorrow though becuase the teacher is sick and had to cancel class.. Its too bad he is sick though, but I'm glad to get a day off. So anyway.. I'm going to start heading for bed now. I may actually get to bed by 1 or 1:30 tonight. Adeus para agora.
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:34 AM 

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