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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Today was kind of nice. I was able to ease into school again from the week long break. My first class was cancelled today and my second class was only 20 minutes long. That made the transition pretty smooth this morning. The first class was cancelled because it was just a project work day today and my group is already caught up on our project so we didn't need to go. Then for the second class it was just a Q&A session to get ready for the test we have on Wednesday. We didn't really have that many questions though so we got out early. After that class was Convocation. They acutally had a fairly good speaker today. He was funny in some parts too. Anyway after chapel I went back to my room and worked on a research paper I have due (sometime in April) until it was time for lunch. They had chicken nuggets today at the dinning hall.. That is a very rare thing for them to have there. So I snatched some of those for lunch. I was lucky I went between class time because about 10 minutes after I got my food the classes all got out and a flood of people went for the chicken. It would have been about a 15 minute wait if I would have waited that much longer. So anyway I was able to get lunch and then head on over to work. I was at work just working as usual and then to my delight Allie and Jo stroll in. They just stopped by to say hi. I felt all special and stuff. Allie brought something for me to drink too. It was a Pinapple Passion Mango Fruit Juice. She knew I really liked Passion fruit and she saw that and wanted to get it for me. I think she discovered my new favorite juice blend. It was a delightful treat. Just having them visit me at work made the rest of my day vibrant... it was great! Well, anyhow after work I went back to campus and ate a quick dinner and then returned to my dormstead to continue work on my research paper. I also had to take a little time and study for history tomorrow as well. But I think I've reached that point where I need to quit for the night and get some sleep. I'm kind of in that stage where its useless for me to even try to work on it since I keep falling asleep in the middle of sentences and stuff. So with that... I'm off to the bunkbed!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:41 AM 

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