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Friday, March 05, 2004
Today was one of those days where the teachers throw everything at you at once. I found out that I have a test on tuesday in english that I'll need to study for and read lots of stuff for.. then I also need to revise my rough draft that I just turned in.. then I also had a huge assignment for my computer apps class and that one is horrible because it is so easy but super long and I know how to do it already but I have to do it anyway. I did get that one done but it took like 2 hours because I had to type in huge amounts of data and follow this stupid procedure in the book. It was pretty useless. Then I also have a project I need to get information together for in my networking class and figure out how to talk on the subject. I also have a test coming up in that class soon too and I'll need to study for that. Then all of that on top of my regular hectic schedule makes me wish spring break was tomorrow. Oh well.. I'm just going to have to press on. I also need to work on powerpoint for church on sunday as well as figure out some kind of site design for the church's website. If you see any other website that would be good for a church e-mail me the link so I can see if I can use it. So anyway... work was pretty busy today, but we got a lot done and that was nice. Then after work I headed back to campus to eat dinner. I saw Jessica there and went over to her and talked to her then she gave me a huge hug. Then I ended up sitting with her for dinner. It was great I missed hanging out with her I was glad I could do that tonight. After dinner I had to go back to my room and lock myself in my dorm so I could start on my load of homework.. I made a fairly good dent in it just as it was time for Hall Meeting and Prayer groups. Those both went pretty good tonight. After those were over I continued on my homework stash and then talked to my Mom online for a short time. Scott also called me multiple times because he needed help figuring out a networking issue he was having. I ended up being able to help him solve that. But anyway, now that it is all late I need to go to bed. So Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:51 AM 

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