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Thursday, April 08, 2004
This morning was a little wacky. Everybody on the hall had to wake up and go to assement testing this morning. There was a line for showers and everything it was crazy. I decided I would just take a shower after convo because I didn't want to wait in line. So I just got ready and when to my corrisponding testing room. They tested us on basic english and math stuff. It was to help with the Schools Accreditation process. They weren't too hard but I was just really tired so I didn't wanna have to think and fill in all those bubbles.. GAHHH those stinkin bubbles they haunt me! =). Anyway after the tests were over the day returned to normal. We had convo and then I had a break for lunch before heading to work. Work was excedingly slow today. I had to stand around a lot waiting for things to happen in order to stay busy. I hate it when that happends. But oh well. I guess they call it "work" for a reason. It woudln't be work if it was always enjoyable I guess. I've been lucky though and it usally is pretty good. But anyway, after work I headed on over to church for our final video series from "Secrets of the Vine". Tonight was really good and I learned a lot of good little tips I might start to put into effect about Abiding in Christ. Then we had a good dissussion time after the video. Pastor Larry was gone tonight though so Chuck took over tonight. He still did a great job. After the service I hung around for a long time and then Pete and I started talking in the parking lot. Then before I knew it we were the only ones there. I ended up being the last one out of the parking lot tonight. I had a prayer leader meeting tonight at 9:30 so after leaving church I came right back to campus and parked my car and went to the meeting. Tonight our meeting was combined with the prayer leaders from the sister dorm so we all meet on the big steps out front of the acedemic building. It was a fairly good meeting tonight. It got out late though so I wasn't able to go to late night like I wanted to. I didn't get a chance to eat very much today and I was pretty hungry. But oh well, I just came back to my room and munched on some Pizza flavored Goldfish crackers that Allie gave me (good thing I had those) Thanks Allie!. Then I just worked on homework and things for the rest of the evening. But now.. I think I"m going to head off to bed. The eyelids are getting rather heavy at the moment. Adios!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:36 AM 

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