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Monday, April 26, 2004
Today was another great sunday. I had to be at church by 7:30 this morning though because we were doing a special Kids Craze service this morning. We always need to be there earlier then normal for that becaue of the magnitude of the production so we can get everything setup and have run throughs and everything. We were able to get everything working and practice went well. Things up at my station were all changed around and I had a couple new things I had to deal with. But I was able to make it all work. Shena sat up with me today to watch and learn how its all done because she would like to be able to run the equipment sometimes on sundays as well. It was a little hard to train today though because of everything going on and the complication of everything. But she didn't seem to get scared away by it all so that was good. Anyway the service went pretty good too. We had a few glitches this morning during the real thing but nothing too noticable and the cast made them fit well into the skits and played them off as if that was supposed to happen.. lol. But anyway I think everybody enjoyed it throughly. Afterwards we had a big pot luck style lunch there at the church. It was a thing designed so we could all meet and greet people we've never met.. or seen but haven't gotten to know well. Then we also had a Q&A time for a short time with Pastor Larry. But the food was great and so was the fellowship. I had a great time. After the lunch, the Donneberg's had a bunch of the crew over who was in the cast for the Kids Craze service. So about 12 people or so showed up over there today and we all hung out for awhile. Most of the people watched a movie and some Trampolined. I ended up playing Scrabble with some people. A lot of the people had to leave to go do homework though. They were all there for about 3 hours I would say and then the crowd got down to just John and I for awhile (not including the family). Then Dan showed up for awhile too but he couldn't stay for very long unfortunatly. But it was still fun this afternoon hanging out with everyone. After both John and Dan left. I just hung out there still for the rest of the evening. Allie and I talked for awhile and then we ate dinner while watching a movie. I fell asleep in the chair while wathing the movie though. I don't even remember what it was about. I was pretty tired after that still though. But I wasn't ready to leave yet. I wanted to hang out longer.. (you know me). I decided I was going to leave around 9:30 though so I could get some of my homework done tonight. After heading back to campus as usuall all the parking spaces were taken around my area on campus so i ended up having to go all the way to the other end of campus and walk back. I got back to my room finally around 10:30 (I did leave a little later then 9:30 from thier house though it was more like 9:50). But anyway after getting back I read some stuff and then started on my homework. Daneille stopped by my window to get something so she was here and talked for a little but too. Then I find out I have a prayerleader meeting tonigth too. I was supposed to be there at 12:10. It was another long boring useless meeting and it ended up going till about 1:00. Those things lately have been like the energizer bunny.. they just keep going and going. It wouldn't have been so bad if I wasnt so tired and didn't have so much homework to do. But that how I am all the time so there really is no good time to have a PL meeting I guess now that I think about it. But anyway finally after being released from the meeting I was able to finish part of my homework. I was able to finally finish with all the stuff required for one class tonight. It was one of my comptuer classes. So I won't need to do anything else for that class not.. (besides turn it in). I really wanted to get my history done or at least close to done tonight too but because of the meeting that wasn't going to happen. I still have a lot left to do on that. I hope tomorrow I can be productive in area. Since I at least got once class done I think I need to go to sleep now. I'm past the seeing double right now and I've acheived the seeing Quad... so if this blog made no sense today thats because I can't read it since I can't see straight. I hope I didn't butcher it too bad. Ok with that said... I'm off.. over and out!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:21 AM 

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