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Monday, May 24, 2004
I had to wake up at 6:00 this morning so I could get everythign I needed to get done this morning before getting to church at 8:00. I had to go over to Scotts this morning and take care of the Dog there.. then I had to run back over to the Donnebergs and feed the Newts. After that I needed to drive all the way over to the Forest Road area to pick up Han so I could bring him to church this morning. The timing worked out very well though. I pulled into the church parking lot right at 8:00. Today was the last day Luis was in charge so he tried to go out with a bang. He brought in three guitarist and a trombone and sax player. And he just went all out for the service this morning. Practice was a little choppy trying to deal with all those extra people and stuff. But for the actual service everything seemed to go pretty well. The message this morning was on Tithing. It was fitting for the situation our church is in currently. But despite the delicate nature of the way people react to a sermon on tithing most of the time. Larry did a great job presenting it. After the service we had a short celebration for Luis and Angela with cake and all that good stuff. Then directly following that we had a congregational meeting to discuss current issues with the church, finacailly and otherwise. Before that meeting I had to run Han back home so I ended up being a little late to the meeting. But I don't think I missed too much. The meeting was originally estimated to be about a half hour long.. but it ended up taking a little over two hours. Some unexpeted things came up that needed to be discussed as well. But I think we came to some concesus and things may be able to start to work out. We'll wait and see how the Lord works. After the meeting I hung around a little longer and played with the Hartman kids for awhile. We were seeing how well each other could sing. Then it later progressed to a see how high we can sing then to a see how loud we can scream match. After hanging out with them for awhile, I went over to have lunch with BJ and then we both headed out to go pick up Allie from her Dad's. We had to meet them in Danville. Before getting on the road though I stopped by Scott's house and picked up the dog and brought her along for the car ride. She was actually really good in the car. The drive down went good luckily. I was really tired and BJ told me that my head was bobbing.. and at one point my eyes were closed. She had to keep bopping me on the head to keep me awake. But we made it there safely. Allie got contacts this weekend while she was at her dads so I got to be one of the firsts to see her wearing them. They are cool because now I can see her beautiful eyes a lot better. They make her look a little older too for some reason. But yeah.. anyway.. I like them a lot. The drive back seemed to go a lot faster then the drive down for some reason, but I also stayed awake the entire time. After arriving to Lynchburg we tried to go eat at Moes Wings but it turns out we had just missed them. They closed at 5 on sundays and we got there just after 6. That was sad. So instead we just went to IHOP and had a quick meal there. I ended up hanging out over at thier house until just after 12:00 tonight. We were watching a movie (Beaches).. but before I saw the end I had fallen asleep. I slept right through the end of the movie and then once that was over Allie watched some TV and I slept right through those as well. I think over all I had about a two hour nap or so. But right around 11:30 I finally woke up and I felt much better. I couldn't stay much longer after that though so I started to get ready to go.. (which took about an hour) I think I finally left thier house just before 12:30. I had a good time relaxing over there though. Its always fun. Well.. thats about all I can sputter out tonight. I'm starting to get sleepy again. Good night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:00 AM 

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