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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I was very tired this morning when I woke up. I ended up crawling out of bed at around 7:30. I had lots I needed to do this morning and I had to be at work by 10:00 today too. After showering I sat down and had my devotions this morning... but I was so tired I couldn't focus and I ended up dozing off for a bit. That got me sort of behind and I didn't have time to finish before I needed to head out. I first had to swing by Scotts house to let the dog out and give her some time to run around for awhile before I had to put her back in her cage. I also had to make sure everything was set because Scott and Abbey were going to be getting back tonight. After taking care of all that over at Scott's house, I then had to swing by the Donneberg's and feed the Newts. Then I had to run down stairs and say a quick hello to BJ while I was there. Allie was still asleep at the time so I didn't get to say hi to her before going to work (but then I found out later that she had woke up like 5 minutes after I left.. oh well). I managed to get everything done and still make it to work slightly early this morning (not by much though). Things at work were a little bit busy today again. I think it is mostly due to the fact that Scott hasn't been there. When just two of us are running the store it can get a little hectic. We pulled it off quite well today though. After work I just headed back home. On the drive back I made a few phone calls about plans for the camping trip this weekend and then ended up needing to call the donnebergs to find out what thier plans were. But Jo wasn't there so I will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what the situation is... but anyway when I called thier house, since I wasn't able to talk to Jo, I talked to Allie and we ended up talking for about 40 minutes or so that was cool. After getting off the phone with her I ended up working on the video the rest of the night. As I was working on that I also had to make a bunch of phone calls about things. I had to talk to our new worship leader for church about plans for this sunday and how things will play out. Since a lot of people will be gone on the camping trip it may be a little tricky. So after talking to him I had to call Betty and Pastor Larry to get some things straightened out. I'll still need to call one other person tomorrow about some stuff too. We have a practice on Thrusday though, so I hope we can get everything settled by then. But anyway on the brighter side of things... with all my hard work tonight I was able to get the first segment (1 of 3) done tonight on the missions trip video. It turned out quite nicely. I can't wait to show somebody lol. Anyway.. I'm getting tired again so I can finally head off to bed now that that is done. So with that.. G'night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:00 AM 

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