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Wednesday, June 02, 2004
I think my vacation time is done now for quite some time. I had to head back to work this afternoon. But first this morning at around 9:00 the cable guy came by again. My cable internet has been fluctuating in and out and I haven't had it working reliably for awhile now. He came in and did some diagnostics and things like that. He found out that the problem is down at the junction box outside. He will have to have a maitenece guy come out and take a look at it. I'm not sure how long that will take.. but until they can get that fixed my Internet will be funky. After he left I did some devotions and continued to get ready for my day. Then just before noon I headed out to run a couple errands before going to work. I stopped by the Donneberg's for a bit to drop off some stuff and say hi too. Then right before going into work I went in to see the Chiropractor once again. My back had been acting up really bad the past couple days. He didn't really seem to say what the problem was exactly but it does feel a little better now. I still hurt in some areas but I'm not sure if it is a bone thing or a muscle thing. After my visit with the Doc.. I went to work. Today we were fairly busy. I had to do two service calls today at other buisnesses and then we had customers coming and going almost all day. It was nice to not be bored there. They said it was pretty slow all weekend while I was gone. I guess its good so they didn't need me. Anyway, after closing I stayed after and hung out with the guys and did some catch up work and played around for awhile on the computers. I didn't really want to stay tonight so I would be able to get the video worked on more.. but I didn't want to disappoint them all. So I stayed anyway. I ended up having fun though so it wasn't a total bust. But to make up for it I had to stay up until now to get the video finished. I do have the editing part of it completely done now.. I just have to get the DVD segements configured to go on disk. That is going right now on my other computer but it will most likely take all night. So while that does it's thing, I'm going to head to bed. Good night everyone! Oh I forgot to mention I was able to talk to katie on the phone tonight. She was helping me pick songs and the internet went down.. so she called me. It was great to hear her voice again. But we couldn't talk long since I was pretty busy. So yeah.. now I'm really going to bed =).
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:54 AM 

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