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Friday, June 04, 2004
Today was another pretty typical day. I woke up to a phone call from my cable company saying that they saw my internet was back up and they wanted to let me know. So I got up really quick and signed on all my computers. Then I went back to sleep again for another hour or so. Then I woke up again to the sound of Allie signing online. Last night we had got cut off in the middle of our conversation so I wanted to get up and tell her what the deal was. After doing that I sat down and had my morning devotoins. They were very good today. It was cool how the Lord worked through them this morning. It gave me goosebumps how everything fit together. Then Allie and I were talking about it and my internet cut off on me again. I tried a couple things to try and fix it but with no luck (because of stupid Adelphia Cable) I decided not to get mad this time.. I just got up and went out side and drove to the mall. Jo told me I needed to get my hair cut again because it was getting rather long so I just went to the MasterCuts place at the mall and got myself a trip. I think she cut the front just a smidge too short but it will be grown out to a good lenght in about a week or two. After getting my hair cut I decided since I was on that side of town I would stop in at Liberty and declare my major as CMIS. There was just a little bit of paper work to do and it was all set. I went in there in tenis shoes and a tee-shirt today though. I don't know if I was supposed to be in dress code or anything though.. I completly forgot and didn't think about it until I got there. But nobody said anything so I guess it was ok. On my way back out Allie called me and she had a question about her computer.. so once I got back outside I called her back and tried to help her. It was a quick question though so we didn't talk too long. After my stop at Liberty I made a trip to Wal-Mart and then headed back to my apartment to drop off my stuff. But once I got there I basically turned back around so I could head to work. On my way to work I stopped by the Donneberg's house to get somethign and say hi. I was there for about 20 minutes or so. Things at work today were slow once again so I kind of had to find things to do. I was ready to go once 6:00 rolled around. After work I came back home and found my internet was still not working.. so I decided to just cook some dinner. I made myself some bacon and scrambled eggs for dinner. After dinner I went and made some copies of the Missions Trip video to VHS. Shortly after that my internet came back up.. so I was excited and I hurried to check my e-mail and do some things like that just it case it went out again quickly.. but so far its been good.. I'ts stayed working all night since around 8:00 or so. For part of the night I worked on Will's computer getting windows 98 installed on it and trying to get it working as best it can for the age of it. I think I"m done working on that for the night though now... I"ll have to finish it later. At around 9:50 Johnathan ended up coming over to stay the night. He was in town visiting Tori so rather then head back tonight he will just leave tomorrow afternoon sometime. Its nice to have company. After getting here we talked for alittle bit but he just went in and working on one of my other computers for most of the night. While he was in doing that I just chatted with Allie for the better part of the night and worked on typing up my blog from the Oklahmoa trip for days 4,5 and 6. (I have that posted below). But it got late pretty quick again and i"m tired.. So I think John and I are going to head to bed for the night. So I'll be back...
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:17 AM 

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