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Friday, July 30, 2004
This morning when I woke up, after doing my normal routine I had to take about 10 minutes and get some things worked out for my church's website and e-mail addresses. The stuff I needed to do could only be done over the phone so I had to call them up and make changes that way. Other then that it was a normal day at work. I did actually eat a pretty decent sized lunch today. We ordered a Large Pizza for lunch and I ended up eating half of it. It was pretty good. After work I had to stop by the church and get a few things setup there. Then I made a quick trip to the Grocery store to pick up a few items. I then dropped off the good at home and then went over to the Donneberg's. After getting there I just sat around and talked for a bit. They ended up needing a few things from the grocery store tonight too. So I made another quick trip back up to Kroger again. It was alright though. I remembered somethign else I needed to get from the store for myself anyway so I was able to get those also. The rest of the time at the Donnebergs we basicly just hung out on the couch and read some books. I ended up heading back here shortly after 10 tonight. Once I got back here I just worked on a project for the rest of the night. It went a little later then I planned though to get it finished. But I did get it done so I'm happy about that. Anyway.. now that it is about two in the morning I need to get to bed. I have to wake up around like 7:00ish tomorrow. Bye for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:02 AM 

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