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Monday, August 16, 2004
Today was a great day! The Donneberg's made it back! I was so happy to see them. They didn't get back until like 11:45 though. But anyway.. I'll get into all that later. Let me just start from the begining. Han and I tried to get to the church a lot earlier today. We had a few things we needed to do before practice even started. We managed to get there at around 7:45. It was just enough time though. Practice went pretty smoothly once everyone else got there and we were ready for the service. We had about three new family groups that were there today that was really cool. God has been bringing people in for us. The pastor did a great sermon on Prayer today as well. He usually always does a great job. After church Han and I went out to lunch with a friend of his from texas who just came in town to go to Liberty this year. We ended up going to Applebee's to eat. After lunch I took Han back to his Apartment and we took a load of stuff over to the Dorms for him. He was moving in all his stuff today. While were were doing that my new roomates got to campus too so I helped them move all thier stuff in and get settled. I think I'm going to like them as roomates. I think we managed to organize everything fairly well there in our room. Once they got everything unloaded I head over to hang out with Jugee for the rest of the evening. I wanted to be at thier house when the Donneberg's got back. I ended up just reading and playing with Jake, and even took a short nap tonight while I was there. They didn't get back until around 11:45 though, but it was great to see them again. I missed them a whole lot. I didn't talk to any of them the entire week. I forced myself not to call them at all. It was hard at some points.. but I made it the entire time. I hung out there until a little after 1:00 just catching up with them and talking. But they were heading to bed so I came on back to my place. I'm not very tired though.. I don't think it is because of my nap I had though. I think its just because of my excitement that my parents will be here tomorrow. I'm so happy =). I hope I can get to sleep. I'm going to go try though. Night for now!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:40 AM 

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