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Thursday, August 26, 2004
Today was my first day of classes! They actually went very well. I kind of woke up later then I wanted to though. I had enough time to get ready for class and things but not enough time to do devotions. I ended up having to do them suratically through the day whenever I had 5-10 minutes to spare. I am using a blanket that I borrowed from Allie and it seems like ever since I've started to use that blanket I am totally obivious to the alarm clock or something. Usually I never had a problem waking up after like the 2nd-3rd time it goes off. But lately Its gone off almost 15 times before I realize it has gone off that much. I don't even realize I turn it off or something. Anyway, today wasn't just the first day of classes we also had our first convocation today as well. My classes might turn out to be alright. I had Theology, Philosophy, and Biology today. They might be a little bit of a tough class but I hope to pull through it alright. Once I got done with classes though I didn't have time to go to lunch so I ended up just sitting to have some more devotion catch up time before going to work. But Scott ended up walking by and meeting me so I ended up talking to him until I had to leave. Things at work were pretty busy today though so I didn't get much of a break there. Once we closed at work, I then had to head right over to church to get some things ready for tonight and then be there for the service. Dave Kipe spoke tonight on the book of ephesians and I think he did a pretty good job tonight. We went though Chapter 4. After the service was over I ended up sticking around to help out with the worship team to setup up powerpoint for sunday and work with the sound and things like that. But I had my part done fairly quickly so once I finished I ended up helping Allie clean the church such as vacume and empty garbages, ect. The worship team was still going with no end in sight by the time she finished cleaning. So I just went ahead and took her home really quick and went back to the church to finish up some duties and take Han and Brittany home whenever they got done. We ended up being there until around 10:30 tonight. It was pretty bad. But eventually I finally got back to my dorm and was able to start on my reading homework. I also hadn't eaten all day so I had to scrounge up some food to eat. I think I managed to have a fairly healthy meal tonight (at 11:00). So anyway.. that is a very short sum up of my day today. I cant really go into very much detail because it is really late right now. Staying out for worship team practice really cuts into the night. But its not too bad. I'm glad I can help out. I just have to get to sleep now though. I'm kind of halucinating. Night
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 12:43 AM 

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