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Friday, October 08, 2004
This morning I was really tired for some reason. I had to fight to get out of bed, I even thought about just sleeping through my Economics class (Since I usually fall asleep in it anyway) but decided to suck it up and go anyway. Its a good thing I did today though. I'm not sure where everybody was this morning but there was only 11 people that showed up for that class, normally it is a class of 35. I actually managed to stay awake for most of the class this morning, it may have been due to the fact there was hardly anybody there and he seemed to talk more directly to us. But anyway thats the most I had ever been awake in that class. As for the rest of my classes, they were pretty normal. Once I finished my school day I grabbed some lunch and headed to work. Today was a very busy day, we seemed to have at least one person on the phone and one person in the building at any given moment. It was kind of challenging. We pulled through though. Today was one of those days we stood by the door and as soon as the clock changed to 6:00 we locked it and flipped the sign closed. After getting off work I swung by Jonathans house and I had dinner with him and his family tonight. That was pretty fun, that was the first time I had spent any significant time with them all together. Anyway after we finished eating, Jonathan and I came to campus for a meeting with about 350 other guys. There was a man named Brent that spoke to us tonight about faith, and other issues relating to guys. I thought it was really, really good. I liked some of the points he made and just how he explained a few things. I'm looking forward to hearing him speak in covocation again tomorrow morning. He ended up talking until around 9:00 before he closed, but it was worth staying that late. I hadn't really gone over my lesson tonight for my prayergroups though so I was a little nervous about leaving that late and still having to get Jonathan home and then get back and finding a parking space all before 10:00 hall meeting. It worked out really well for me though. I ended up getting back around 9:25 and started working on my lesson. For the past few weeks I had been talking to my guys about effective prayer and how to pray ect... but now I decided since we've been talking about how we can talk to God, I wanted to switch it up and now talk for a few weeks on how God talks to us. One of the major problems I've realized I have lately is my ability to hear God speak to me. So I have been researching that this last week and put together a lesson on "How to Hear God's Voice". I was a little worried about finalizing everything in only a half hour before the meeting but With God's help he got me through it all. I didn't have time to make little note sheets like normal but that worked out ok still. I think tonight was my best time of small group session since I've been a prayer leader. I had a lot of interaction from the guys and things seemed to just fit together with where the guys were at that moment. I know it wasn't me tonight - God sure did a work though. Once we closed in prayer though I still had a lot of other homework to work on so I dove into that for a few hours. But now that time has gone well past 1:00.. I am going to head to bed. So Goodnight, And Praise the Lord for all he has done and will do!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 1:23 AM 

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