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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Today was a full day for me. I just have sooo much to do. I woke up and had my first two classes as normal. Then we had convocation. Normally I have a class after chapel but I had to skip it today. I needed to use that time slot so I could go to prayer leader meeting. None of the other times they had would have worked with my schedule (this one didn't really either) But considering I fall alseep most of the time in that class too, I figured I could skip it once and wouldn't even realize it. The meeting was alright but I don't know why this one was mandatory, It didn't seem like they really said anything important (sounds like my philosophy teacher). Oh well, I was glad to get this one over with. I then grabed a take out lunch and ate in my dorm while I finished my devotions for the day. I was also going to attempt to study a little bit for my test tomorrow in aviation but I ended up not having time for that. I just had to rush over to work. I ended up making it on time. We were waiting for a lot of things to come in by UPS today and it just didn't seem to come.. we had a lot of things we needed to do but coudln't without them. So over all we didn't really have much to do. Tomorrow is going to be crazy though once it all comes in, won't have much of a break tomorrow I don't think. Anyway once I got off work I went over to the church and got some stuff taken care of with Pastor about websites and computer work. Then the Hartmans ended up bringing some dinner for thier family, but they had some extra so they said I could finish it off. So I actually was able to eat dinner for once on a Wendesday night. The Bible study tonight was alright... but its just hard to pay attention to whats going on. Most of what we talk about is stuff I already know. I did kind of keep getting drowsy though and Jo had to keep hitting me to wake me up. But I made it through alright. Afterwards I stayed and helped with the worship team practice. I needed to get all the powerpoint slides setup for the songs and for the announcments. Allie ended up staying too even though she didn't really have any duties, so once I finished up my stuff I just talked to her until we all got done. We tried to work a little with her liberty stuff but ended up getting to a dead end where we couldn't realy get further. So we just gave up on that and worked on some other stuff. I've been trying to find some good background pictures for the powerpoints so Allie and I just sat down and looked through hundreds (maybe thousands) of pictures on the internet trying to find good ones. We did find some really cool pictures, some that worked for PPT others that were just cool but wouldn't work unfortunatly. It was fun though, we ended up looking at some pictures of Brazil too once we found the right picture for the background of the songs. Meanwhile the praise team seemed to be struggling pretty bad trying to learn new songs and such. I know God will make ti all work out, but in the mean time pray for them that they can practice up good and it will all be in tune. Once practice was over and we started to close up church Steve and I decided to go over to Britt and Allie's house for a little while and catch the last end of the presidential debate. We ended up only being able to see about a half hour of it though. From what I did see though, Bush did a great job! I heard his comment about faith and religion and that was good stuff. Kerry didn't seem to have a clue though. Anyway I had to leave shortly after it was over to come back and study for my test that I hadn't even looked at notes at. I read the book for it tonight and looked over the notes for awhile. I hope I can say I'm ready for it. Its tomorrow at 9am. I'm really tired though now and if I plan on staying awake while taking the test I better get to bed. So that where I will go. Night!
posted by Jeremy Dillinger @ 2:28 AM 

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